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 Equal Justice for All

All persons who appear before the Court should be treated with dignity and respect. Where you come from or how much money you have should not determine your standing before the Court. We all have a right to be treated fairly and equally in the eyes of the law. My plan is to abolish disparate sentencing in our courts an improve a system of transparency for criminal sentences handed out by judges in Cuyahoga County. 

Education & Job Training

While violent crimes deserve appropriate sentences that most often include a term of prison, there should be an effort to provide opportunities for education and job training through the probation department for low level, non-violent offenders, particularly first-time offenders.  We need to keep fathers in the home, not in prison.

Cleveland is a union driven town. Our probation department should be working with local unions to get probationers into the unions. Not only would it provide a skill, benefits, and retirement plan, but it would also provide the probationer with a sense of worth and gratification for learning a trade and earning a real wage for a day's work.  "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him to fish and you feed him for his lifetime."

Paid for by The Committee to Elect Tim Hess
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